Terms of Service

Parraton does its best to ensure the code works as intended. Smart contracts and DeFi carry inherent risks. Interacting with Parraton, or any DeFi protocol, may, in the worst case, result in a complete and permanent loss of funds.


Please carefully read this disclaimer before using https://parraton.com, any of its sub-domains (referred to as the "Website") and/or telegram miniapp that refers to it https://t.me/parraton_bot. By using the Website, you confirm your acceptance of this legal disclaimer and agree to comply with its terms. If you do not agree, please refrain from using the Website.

As a condition to accessing or using the Services or the Site, you represent and warrant to the Website the following:

  1. if you are entering into these Terms as an individual, then you are of legal age in the jurisdiction in which you reside and you have the legal capacity to enter into these Terms and be bound by them and if you are entering into these Terms as an entity, then you must have the legal authority to accept these Terms on that entity's behalf, in which case "you" (except as used in this paragraph) will mean that entity;

  2. you are not a resident, national, or agent of the United States, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Syria, or the Crimean Region of the Ukraine or any other country to which the United States embargoes goods or imposes similar sanctions (collectively, "Restricted Territories");

  3. you are not a member of any sanctions list or equivalent maintained by the United States government, the United Kingdom government, the European Union, or the United Nations (collectively, "Sanctions Lists Persons") and you do not intend to transact with any Restricted Person or Sanctions List Person;

  4. you do not, and will not, use VPN software or any other privacy or anonymization tools or techniques to circumvent, or attempt to circumvent, any restrictions that apply to the Services;

  5. your access to the Services is not (a) prohibited by and does not otherwise violate or assist you to violate any domestic or foreign law, rule, statute, regulation, by-law, order, protocol, code, decree, or another directive, requirement, or guideline, published or in force that applies to or is otherwise intended to govern or regulate any person, property, transaction, activity, event or other matter, including any rule, order, judgment, directive or other requirement or guideline issued by any domestic or foreign federal, provincial or state, municipal, local or other governmental, regulatory, judicial or administrative authority having jurisdiction over Parraton, you, the Website or the Services, or as otherwise duly enacted, enforceable by law, the common law or equity (collectively, "Applicable Laws"); or (b) contribute to or facilitate any illegal activity.

Information not advice

The information provided on the Website is not intended as investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other form of advice. Our team offers the Website as a public service and disclaims all liability for damages arising from the use, reference to, or reliance on any information within the Website. While efforts are made to update the information periodically, no guarantee is provided regarding its accuracy, completeness, or timeliness.

Usage and investment risk

The Website is not liable for losses, damages, or claims resulting from user mistakes, software issues, technical failures, security problems, or actions of third parties. Investing in cryptocurrencies carries risks, and the information on the Website does not guarantee protection against financial loss. Users are responsible for understanding and assessing these risks and making informed decisions when using the Website. Decentralized finance is new and risk-prone. Users of the Website accept the risk of losing up to 100% of their cryptocurrencies.

Complience with tax obligations

Users are solely responsible for determining their tax obligations related to cryptocurrency holdings. The Website's owners and contributors are not liable for determining user tax liabilities arising from transactions.

No warranties

The Website is provided "as is" without any warranties regarding its functionality, content, data, materials, or services. The Website's operation may be fully or partially disabled without prior notice.


Security audits were not undertaken. The Website is not guaranteed to be secure or free from bugs or viruses.

Limitations and liability

Unless required by law, the Website's owners and contributors shall not be liable for any damages, including but not limited to loss of use, profits, or data, arising from the use of the Website.


By using the Website, you agree to arbitrate any dispute related to the Website or this disclaimer, except for disputes involving copyrights, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets, or patents.

Last updated